Microsoft Azure - How to download & install Visio, Project, Visual Studio
These are basic steps to install software such as Visio, Project, and Visual Studio.
These are basic steps to install software such as Visio, Project, and Visual Studio.
STEP 1 - Log into Azure Dev Tools site
STEP 2 - Find the Software Link
STEP 3 - Find the software you want to install, click on it.
STEP 4 - Find the Serial Key on the right side (scroll over to see image)
STEP 5 - Click Download
STEP 6 - After it's downloaded, right click on the download and select "Mount".
STEP 7- The software might show up as a DVD. Open it up.
STEP 8 - Find the setup.exe installer and then click on it to begin installation
STEP 9 - Refer to the serial number in shown in your Azure account for installation.
STEP 10 - Select "eject" on the DVD drive to eject the file.
STEP 11 - Enjoy your software