MSC Software
Since 1985, MSC Software has generously donated software in support of instruction and academic research.
Recent use of MSC Software at HSSOE includes:
Professor James C. Earthman, Ph.D.,
Best Presentation Award at MSC.Software® 2011 Users Conference for his presentation "Numerical Modeling of Dental Percussion Diagnostics using Marc”.
MAE Coursework: MAE 152 - Intro to Computer Aided Engineering.
Instructional & Academic-Use
HSSOE has 100 network licenses for software included in MSC Software's University-Bundle to share among faculty, researchers and students.
The software may be installed on University-owned computers for academic (non-commercial) research.
Undergraduate and Graduate Students may install the software on personally-owned laptops for the purpose of instruction and academic (non-commercial) research.
Installation Instructions
Read the installation instructions (yes download it)
You need to install to a directory with NO SPACES
ex, C:\Apps\
It helps to install in the following order:
Nastran, Patran, Dytran, Marc.
For off-campus use, you must connect to UCI network using VPN.
MSC Software Downloads
You must be logged into your UCI Google Apps account in order to download the following software.
Windows Versions:
MSC Apex
MSC Nastran
MSC Patran
MSC Dytran
MSC Marc
Linux Versions:
MSC Academic Learning Center
MSC offers online education, tutorials, and certifications through their MSC Academic Learning Center.