
Welcome CAMP Students

Welcome to UCI. Please use this page as a checklist to help you get prepared for instruction at UCI.

If you have questions concerning info on this page, contact:

General Campus computing help is through OIT:

Engineering majors please visit:

Laptop requirements (non-Engineering)

Remote Access

The following resources are available for remote access


Start Here – Register for Mobile Access (Wi-Fi)

Verify your Google Apps Account

and select Activate and set a Password

Check your Email Account

    Getting started with email for UCI Students

    If you want to forward your email to a personal gmail account, you would use this link.

IMPORTANT: Staff will not respond to email sent from a personal account. Always use your account when contacting instructors or staff.

Get VPN working so you can use library resources from off-campus.

Get a laptop lock

    This is helpful when you use the library or public space and you need to leave for a restroom break.

SAVE THIS do your google drive

Check your Antivirus Software

CCleaner – Cleaning your PC and keeping it Fast (for Windows)

Malwarebytes – Keeping your PC free of Malware (for Windows)

MS Office for Students


This software is helpful for your lower division math and physics courses.

To receive your copy of the software, you must have an account of the form of "" on the Wolfram Mathematica Portal website:

Contact OIT for assistance. 

R Software and R Studio (especially for Biology Majors)

Engineers, ICS, & STEM students who need MS Project, Visio, and/or Visual Studio

Visit the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching site

Matlab - Creating a MathWorks Account – MatLab Activation